Stress from Uncertainty is Bad for Immunity – Here’s How to Fight It


How much higher have your stress levels been these last few months than normal?

If you’re like most people, your stress level is MUCH higher.

Data from the American Psychological Association points to a 24% increase in average stress levels compared to August of last year. The jump is even higher for certain demographic groups, like parents, minorities, and people who are unemployed.

Much of that stress comes from uncertainty. We just don’t know enough answers, and we don’t know what life will look like even a couple of months from now.

And yet, that level of stress is simply unacceptable for our health and well-being.

Research shows a clear link between stress and immune cell health, as well as inflammation, which is associated with the onset and advancement of autoimmune diseases. Study after study show how exposure to trauma, chronic, high levels of stress, and even just stressful periods of life makes people more likely to develop autoimmune diseases.

Not only that, but stress can literally poison the brain and the body. It leads to a build up of free radicals, the potentially cancer-causing, Alzheimer’s-inducing atoms that damage DNA and age your cells. Remember, the acid that stress causes in your body outweighs a million times to one any effect that food or drinks can cause.  

That makes you more susceptible to both common illnesses and serious diseases.

So whether you have an immune system challenge, or you just want to prevent one in the future, managing stress is of the utmost importance. It can literally change your life.

And if a craving arises, look deeper to that craving for what it means. For example, if you are craving sugar, what your body is really telling you is that you have a huge mineral deficiency , especially magnesium. Eat more dark, green leafy vegetables, and drink Alkamind Daily Minerals at least once daily.

So today, I’ve got 14 science-backed ways to fight stress and leave you feeling more calm, relaxed, energized, and healthy.

14 Tools to Fight the Stress of Uncertainty   

    • 1. Go easy on yourself. Often adding to the stress of uncertainty is the feeling that you should be coping with it better than you are. Be patient and kind with yourself, just as you would with a close friend. Remind yourself of times you have overcome uncertainty in the past, and that you can do so again.

    • 2. Take up a new self care habit. Healthy routines reduce stress and make you feel good. Likewise, trying something new or developing a new skill deepens your confidence. Combine the 2 and try a new exercise class online or take up a meditative art practice.

    • 3. Seek support. Lean on friends, family, and mental health professionals when you’re feeling stressed. Make sure you are giving support to friends and family too, which increases positive emotions and decreases stress.

    • 4. Enjoy nature. Whatever time you can spend outside – depending on where you are and what your home is like – take advantage of it. Head to an open park for a long walk, eat breakfast on your balcony or deck, or spend an afternoon gardening.

    • 5. Get moving every day. Research shows that exercise or brisk movement for at least 20 minutes every day will cut your stress load and help you sleep better at night. Take a walk outside if you can, have a dance party in your living room, take an online exercise class, do a yoga video in your living room, or invest in a mini-trampoline to get a great workout without the gym.

    • 6. Avoid news as much as you can. Sure, you want to stay informed, but all of the news-consumption and Twitter feed refreshing can add MORE uncertainty. Ultimately, the answers you really seek – such as when life will return to normal – cannot be found on your phone. Read the news for a few minutes every day to stay informed, but if you feel your blood pressure rising or stress is creeping up, it’s time for a pattern interrupt. Get off the screen and go outside, try a new yoga pose, or pick up a book you can lose your thoughts in.

    • 7. Eat nutritious foods that fuel you. I know how it is when you’re stressed… you want to eat comfort foods and snack. But your body wants you to do the complete opposite! In fact, your body needs you to eat the best foods at fighting the free radicals and acidity caused by stress. Foods that fight acid contain alkaline minerals, and antioxidants like lycopene, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and carotenoids. Top free radical fighters include raw almonds, kale, spinach, cucumbers, celery, carrots, broccoli, grapefruit, lemons and limes, and healthy fats like avocados, chia seeds and flax.

    • 8. Eat less junk and sugar. Research shows that when stress hormones like cortisol are on the rise, the body will store sugar as belly fat. It’s that same type of fat that contributes to heart disease and metabolic diseases like diabetes. So in other words, a glass of wine, double shot latte, or chocolate milkshake might sound like a good idea when you’re stressed out, but it’s actually the opposite of what you want to do to an already overly-taxed system. Avoid sugary foods and junk.

    • 9. Relax your body. While meditation is a sure-fire way to manage stress and train your brain to be less anxious, many people find meditation difficult. Here’s another option that gets the same results. It’s called progressive muscle relaxation, and it’s the practice of relaxing the muscles and tension in your body, starting with your toes, while focusing on deep breathing. You can find guided practices online to walk you through it, or just try it on your own. After a few minutes, you’ll feel much more calm, relaxed, and at ease.

    • 10. Protect your rest. Restful sleep has been hard to come by the last few months for many Americans. And yet, it’s incredibly important. Getting plenty of sleep will help prevent stress, but also sleep is the time when your body fights off the damaging effects of acid, and the number one acid is stress! Give yourself 8 hours to rest, turn off screens, take a bath or diffuse some relaxing essential oils, drink a mug of chamomile tea, and last but not least, take Alkamind Daily Minerals before bed to get restful, restorative sleep.

    • 11. Do something for someone else. Science tells us that taking action for other people reduces our stress, as well as theirs. Pick something up for a neighbor at the grocery store, send flowers to a loved one, give a family member a call, or spend some time playing with your kids or animals.

    • 12. Take deep breaths. Did you know that 70% of the acids and toxins inside of your body are removed through your lungs? That includes acid caused by stress, which causes more acid build up than anything you could eat or drink. Breathing can also reduce stress in other powerful ways – it can lower blood pressure, slow the heartbeat, energize your muscles, and change your pH within 1 to 3 minutes. Anytime you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, stop and take 10 deep breaths, aiming to focus on your breathing alone.

  • 13. Cut caffeine. . I know what you’re thinking! Dr. D, I can’t cut caffeine right now! I need it to get through the day! I get it. But research shows caffeine in high doses can increase anxiety and stress. And depending on when you consume it, it could be messing with your precious sleep. Avoid any caffeine after noon as a start. If you already do that, try reducing your caffeine consumption by half, starting on a weekend after a good night’s rest.

  • 14. Support your immunity. Ultimately, much of the stress we are feeling right now comes down to this question: Am I and are my loved ones going to be okay? The best thing you can do to manage that stress is support your immune system. That’s why we created the Alkamind Immunity Defense Bundle – the supplements you need to keep your body sufficient in acid-fighting minerals so that it can fend off inflammation and disease.

Did you know that getting plenty of magnesium supports a healthy immune system and it’s clinically proven to open up restricted airways to ease breathing and improve lung function?

Watch Shayna Taylor, model and girlfriend of Ryan Seacrest, talk about their immune-system boosting routine since the pandemic began.


Dr. Daryl

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