Acid-Kicking Minerals Kiwi Strawberry Page 1

Most Bioavailable Mineral Nutrients

Acid-Kicking Minerals contains your four most crucial, fast-absorbing alkaline minerals - calcium citrate, magnesium glycinate, potassium bicarbonate, and sodium bicarbonate...

Plus a high-mineral organic lemon juice powder that is high in Vitamin C, tastes great, and fights acid!

Not All Minerals Are Created Equal

Most mineral supplements come in a tablet or capsule form, which does not absorb well (10-30%, and 50% absorption, respectively)...ultimately becoming expensive urine. Acid-Kicking Minerals is made with pure medical-grade minerals in a powder form that quickly dissolves in water, allowing 98% absorption (or more), within 30 seconds.

Take at night for better sleep, after a workout for faster recovery, or to battle sugar cravings, aches and pains, and stress.