Kale & Ginger Morning Detox Smoothie Recipe by Dr. Daryl

Are you still recovering from the long Thanksgiving weekend?

Or are you looking ahead to a December full of holiday parties, time with family, and making merry?

Either way, the recipe I’m sharing today will help you recover from all of those “just one little bite” moments and refuel so you can power through everything on your long to do list.

This yummy smoothie combines a frozen banana and blueberries with kale, ginger, chia seeds, coconut milk, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. It’s plenty sweet without adding much sugar, and it’s packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

You can also add a scoop of Acid-Kicking Greens to this or any smoothie to get 5 additional whole servings of raw super foods without changing the taste.

If you’re not a fan of wheatgrass shots, this is another way to get the vital nutrients without even tasting them. Plus, our Greens, which is half wheatgrass, breaks it down so it’s practically predigested for you – with little to no degradation whatsoever. Other brands cannot say that.

We’ve combined wheatgrass with cabbage, collard greens, parsley, romaine, dandelion, beets, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, and celery. So by taking your Acid-Kicking Greens every morning, you’re getting a dose of the most powerful, alkaline food on the planet!

If you’re looking for easy ways to make your December healthier, so you don’t get sick, don’t gain holiday weight, and don’t feel exhausted by 4:00 pm, this smoothie is a perfect addition to your morning routine.

Be on the lookout for my blog post on Thursday too, when I’ll share 12 easy holiday swaps to make it easy to be healthy.


Ingredients [Serves 2]

2 cups kale
1 banana (peeled and frozen)
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
2 tsp. ginger (peeled and finely grated)
1 tbsp. chia seeds
Dash ground cinnamon
1 cup coconut milk


Blend and enjoy!

Share your favorite healthy recipes with us! Find us on Instagram and Facebook.

Dr. Daryl


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