The Olympics 2024 has begun! Being inspired by astonishing feats of athleticism and cheering for Team USA has been a highlight of my life, and now I get to share it with my family in the Gioffre home.
Watching the Olympic Trials, learning about the athlete’s training schedules, and being mesmerized by the opening ceremonies got me thinking: PARENTING IS AN OLYMPIC SPORT, and we must care for our bodies like athletes do.
It requires a unique blend of physical endurance, endless energy, superior multitasking, mental agility, extreme patience, unspeakable dedication, emotional strength, and a sense of humor. It’s a daily performance where the stakes are high, and the judges are unforgiving—especially if you have threeagers or teenagers.
Think about it:
- Pregnancy is energetically equivalent to running a MARATHON every day for 40 ish weeks. (2019 study at Duke University) That’s just the physical pregnancy part—not dealing with a wild toddler, cleaning a home, running a business, showing up for work, squeezing in a social life, and managing emotional challenges through it all.
- You are literally training for 12+ hours a day. From the moment you open your eyes (or if you were up with a baby throughout the night), you must perform nonstop. Making food (and getting your kids to eat it), getting everyone ready to leave the house (and wearing clothes and maybe they are even clean), leading meetings and managing projects or, chasing kids around and handing tantrums, remembering to pick up kids and provide all the things needed for their afterschool stuff, squeezing in a workout and maybe even grocery shopping…your training schedule never ends. Being a world-class athlete or parent takes the same dedication to your craft.
Get my point? Parenting and training for the Olympics are rather similar: You need superior fuel so your body and mind can work at peak levels, high-quality and rejuvenating rest, effective recovery and hydration strategies, and a determined mindset.
Citius, Altius, Fortius: The Olympic motto, which translates to "Faster, Higher, Stronger," represents the pursuit of athletic (and PARENT/ADULT) excellence.
Here’s how to go for gold in your arena:
Optimize Brain Functionality and Acid by Drinking Coffee.
When you add a scoop of Acid-Kicking Coffee Alkalizer: Hazelnut, your morning java turns into an acid-kicking, weight-loss igniting, brain-boosting powerhouse of a drink.
Your brain and body need to work at warp speed to manage anxiety, coordinate the family’s schedule, remember details, and think critically all day long. Taking Acid-Kicking Coffee Alkalizers daily will help you fight inflammation, energize all day long, strengthen your gut, and provide the superior nutrition your brain needs for deep focus and unwavering cognitive functionality.
Enhance Sleep, Immune System, and Recovery with Acid-Kicking Magnesium.
An amazing night of sleep is more valuable than gold, but achieving it may sound impossible for some. This is why I created Acid-Kicking Magnesium. Honestly, if I was only allowed to take one supplement a day, it would be magnesium. EVERY organ requires it, and when you don’t get enough, your body breaks down.
Every single part of your body, mind, and spirit is completely connected. For example, a bad night's sleep turns into a stressful day. Stress is the #1 cause of acid, and acid inflames your body, which is the cause of most sicknesses and diseases. Therefore, whatever you can do to prevent stress is critical to a healthier and happier future. You have ENOUGH STRESS being a parent, employee, spouse, etc., so you should do whatever you can to get a powerful night of enhanced sleep with Bisglycinate, one of the 3 potent forms of chelated magnesium in Acid-Kicking Magnesium. To learn more about the other 2 ingredients in my magnesium supplement, please read this blog post.
Turn Stress Into Strength.
Find ways to manage your stress—we all have it—so that stress doesn’t manage you and destroy your gut, body, and mind. Start with one thing daily to get you out of your head and into your HEART!
Here are some of my favorite ways to manage stress—aka getting out of my head and into my heart. Remember, you control what you do and how things impact you.

I know you have extremely little free time in this season of life, but you do have 9 minutes. Every day, set a goal to do something for YOU for just 9 minutes. Here are a few things I love to do:
- Meditate: My favorite motivating meditations are by Dr. Joe Dispenza.
- Brain Fitness: I use BrainTap to guide my brain from awake and reactionary patterns to intuitive and creative responses.
- Forest Bathing: Simply get out in nature, even if it is just your backyard. Turn your phone off, move your body, breathe fresh air, and be in awe of the beauty around you. Do this with yourself or bring your family and friends.
- Cold shower or bath: Wim Hof pulled himself out of a deep depression through the natural powers of breathing and cold therapy. Discover his method for keeping your muscles supple and mind clear.
- Read a book that inspires and empowers: Social media posts do not count. I’m talking about a real book that you hold in your hands.
- Yoga and breathwork: If you can’t attend an in-person class, do a free online class. Just move and breathe.
- Grounding: Walk around barefoot, physically connecting with nature. For me, nothing gets me into my heart more than feeling the sand and water on my toes while breathing in ocean air!
Go for GOLD! I’m cheering you on every step of the way!