The Migraine & Headache Cure That Could Not Be Easier


Today, I want to talk to you about headaches and migraines.

And let’s get one thing straight right up front… A headache is NOT normal!

If you have ever said anything like:

“I don’t have any major health problems, just the normal complaints like headaches that everyone gets from time to time.”

“Sure I get headaches. Doesn’t everybody?”

“Minor ailments like headaches happen every week or so, but nothing serious.”

Here’s I want you to know… There is no such thing as a normal headache.

No symptoms are normal. The only thing that is normal is to feel energetic, healthy, and full of vitality.

Any symptoms that you experience are warning signs from your body that something is going on that you should pay attention to.

You wouldn’t say, “Well, I bleed a little bit.” You know that’s not okay. And yet, patients say to me, “I get normal headaches,” or “Like a lot of women my age, I get migraines now and then,” or even worse, “I get headaches a few times a week.”

Symptoms like headaches are common, really common, because most people are toxic and consuming acid in huge amounts, but that doesn’t mean they’re normal.

This is coming from someone who used to suffer with migraines, and I haven’t experienced one for over 25 years.

So today I’m going to share just how easy it is to get rid of headaches and migraines for good – without medication that causes side effects. Once you know this information, you’ll only wish you had it sooner so you could kiss your headaches goodbye.

Why Do You Get Headaches?

There are 3 common reasons that people get recurrent headaches, and I’m going to give you the tools to address them all.

First, your headaches and migraines could stem from nerve pressure in your neck, so I recommend you go get a check-up from a chiropractor. I see lots of new patients in my wellness clinic, and the most common symptom we see – even above back pain – is headaches. Often, an adjustment goes a long way in clearing up symptoms.

Second, reactions to acidic food such as SUGAR or CAFFEINE and other forms of acid are often to blame for recurrent headaches and migraines.

In fact, there was a NEW study that came out last week from Harvard researchers published in the American Journal of Medicine, stating that the more coffee you drink, the more likelihood you’ll get a migraine headache.

Coffee contains caffeine, which vasoconstricts your blood vessels. Plus, it is a diuretic that will drain the MINERALS from your body.  These minerals are critical not only to keep those blood vessels from constricting, but also for neutralizing the toxins in your body.

Even if you just get the occasional headache, if you take a look at the acid-forming foods you’ve been eating, you’ll probably see a link. That’s why I recommend tracking your food and beverage symptoms anytime you’re wondering why you’re having a health complaint.

Lets talk about the primary TRIGGER I just mentioned - SUGAR.

Try eliminating sugar completely and see if your headaches go away. Then if you reintroduce sugar after at least 2 weeks, pay attention to how your head feels for a few days because chances are, you’ll experience a headache or two.

By the way, ‘natural sugar’ is included in this, so for at least a couple of weeks, eliminate moderate to high-sugar fruit as well (all fruits except lemons, limes, avocados, tomatoes, grapefruit, coconut, pomegranate). You might be able to add other fruit back into your diet over time, but until you get rid of the headaches, stick to eating no sugar.

Other common acidic culprits are:

  • Again, sugar is one of the top headache-inducing foods
  • Gluten and ALL grains, or dairy, which is often related to Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Food additives and chemicals like artificial sweeteners
  • VOC’s (volatile organic compounds) in your home furniture, mattresses, cleaning products, flame retardants, and dry-cleaned clothes
  • Alcohol – red wine is the worst offender because of its tannins
  • Coffee (mentioned earlier)
  • Dehydration from lack of water (clean water that is). Remember, you can be drinking coffee, soda, and tea all day long and still be dehydrated because all of those acidic beverages aren’t supplying your body with what it really needs. In fact, they are all astringents.
  • Medications, which often have a side effect of headaches

Between addressing any food sensitivities and removing any nerve pressure, many patients get phenomenal results, and they happen quickly.

Headache sufferers also find relief from:

  • Low impact exercise on a regular basis is like taking headache medicine before the headache even begins because it triggers the release of headache-halting neurotransmitters. High-impact workouts can actually make headaches worse, so you’re better off choosing a low impact routine like rebounding, walking, yoga, or pilates.
  • Essential oilslike peppermint, basil, and rosemary all have headache-reducing properties. You can rub them directly on your temples or infuse them in the air.
  • Plenty of water, and try to make it HYDROGEN to stay hydrated all day, every day, but at the first sign of a headache, drink a full glass of pure, filtered water.

Dissolving hydrogen into your water will reduce inflammation, as well as oxidative damage. 

People think their favorite pain relievers are getting rid of their headaches, when actually the water they drink to swallow the pills is often what does the trick!

All of that said, there’s a third factor in many headaches and migraines, and that’s what I want to focus on. This is the easy fix that you’ve been waiting for.

Magnesium Deficiency

This is so simple, and yet, so many headache sufferers either don’t know about this or get it wrong.

Most of the time, headaches and migraines are a sign that you are deficient in magnesium. There’s a plethora of research to back this up, stating both that people experiencing migraines and headaches are magnesium deficient, and that taking sufficient magnesium decreased headaches in frequent sufferers by at least 41%.

So you want to supplement with magnesium, but unfortunately, many people get this wrong.

If you head to the drug store and pick out the cheapest magnesium supplement, you might get fewer headaches, but you’re also likely to get stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Why? Most companies use a non-chelated form of magnesium, which means it’s cheaper and does not get absorbed well in the stomach and small intestine. The absorption rate is much lower than a chelated form such as magnesium glycinate.

Plus, a quick look at the ingredient list of your typical magnesium supplement and you’ll see several highly questionable inactive ingredients like soy lecithin, beeswax, tapioca, magnesium stearate, and in the case of chewables, all kinds of junk including artificial sweeteners – yuck!

So it’s really important that you supplement not just with any magnesium, but with the right kind of magnesium.

In Alkamind Daily Minerals, we use the most bio-available form of these minerals. Magnesium glycinate tends to provide the highest levels of absorption and bio-availability and is typically considered ideal for those who are trying to correct a deficiency – without side effects like nausea and diarrhea. 

Alkamind Daily Minerals will also ensure you’re getting the right balance of calcium, potassium, and sodium bicarbonate along with much-needed magnesium, so you don’t end up with an imbalance of other alkaline minerals.

Taking this easy step to correct a magnesium deficiency will likely be the difference you need to stop your headaches for good.

You’ll also want to take a good omega-3 supplement like Alkamind Daily Omega-3 (the BEST fish oil you will find on the planet!) every day to prevent a deficiency in this healthy essential fatty acid, which has been clinically shown to reduce migraines in particular. 

And lastly, for all you COFFEE DRINKERS (that’s 84% of you), there is hope. I never said you had to give up your coffee!  But, with that said, you do need to rid your coffee of all that ACID that is draining and depleting your minerals, again, contributing to more headaches.

In fact, the average cup of joe, organic or not, has a pH of 5.0, making it 1,000x more acidic than the tap water you are drinking. So check out my brand NEW product, ACID-KICKING COFFEE CREAMER!

This is a powdered creamer you add to your coffee, cappuccino, espresso, or tea, and it will neutralize all the acid in your coffee that is taking you and your energy OUT!

It contains your top 4 Acid-Fighting Minerals in their most bioavailable form… 

Plus, it has healthy Plant-Based Keto Fats such as MCT Oil and Coconut Oil to suppress hunger, promote weight loss, and optimize brain function…

Add to that some Pure Himalayan Pink Salt, which gives you 84 trace minerals to energize, plus crush your cravings for SUGAR and CARBS… 

And lastly, 3 Enzymes to help you breakdown, absorb, and assimilate the fat as fast as possible, turning you into a fat-burning machine!



Dr. Daryl

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