Ready for a New Year’s REVOLUTION? Get Started Here


That bloated, heavy feeling that makes you look like you’re carrying 10 extra pounds around your waist…

Fatigue that hits as soon as you wake up and lasts until an hour before you should go to bed (and then you’re wired)…

Headaches, acid reflux, or other indigestion that only got worse during the holidays – with no end in site…

It’s enough to make you feel like you need a major shake up!

If you’re looking for a total reboot starting January 1st, or you want to make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, get fit, and feel better, this is the place to start.

If you’ve been trying the keto diet but you don’t feel good (either physically or ethically) as a result of eating so many animal-based fats, this is the place to discover a cleaner way to eat.

If you’ve grown weary of counting calories, points, or feeling deprived every time you want to lose a few pounds, this is the place to find another way.

This is not a crash diet, you don’t need to keep track of anything, and yet, you will lose weight if you start eating the alkaline, clean keto way. We here at Alkamind are all about LIBERATION, not deprivation. 

It’s about helping you get off your sugar, in a way that’s doable, and fitting this way of eating into your life, not fitting your life into a diet.

How are we going to make sure you don’t feel deprived? We’re going to add, not subtract. By filling up on the good foods your body craves – food with minerals, healthy fats, and fiber – you’ll naturally stop craving the junk you’re eating now. 

If you’re tired of eating garbage and feeling like garbage, let the revolution begin!

Here are the 5 steps to get off your acid, lose weight, and feel better than you have in a long time (maybe ever).

Step 1: Out With the Bad – Acidic Foods

What makes a food acidic? How acidic or alkaline a food is depends on 3 factors:

Mineral content – more minerals make a food more alkaline

  • Fiber content – more fiber makes a food more alkaline
  • Sugar content – more sugar makes a food more acidic

So foods with a lot of minerals and fiber and little to no sugar, like broccoli or kale for example, are alkaline. Foods with a lot of sugar, even if they have some fiber and minerals, like bananas, are acidic.

For example, take the top 4 citric acid fruits – oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit.  Of those, 3 are alkaline-forming, 1 is acid-forming.  Based on the above criteria, which is ACID? 

If you guessed the orange, you were right. All 4 are high in minerals, fiber, water, vitamins, but where lemons and limes ar only 2% sugar, grapefruit 5%, oranges are 12%.  Not to mention, when you take the juice of the orange, you are getting pure sugar water. 

Orange juice has 18 grams of fructose per ounce, compared to that of a can of soda, which has 1.7 grams per ounce.  That why you should NEVER give yourself, or your children, either!

Top food sources of acid include:

  • Sugar – including high fructose corn syrup, agave, and natural sugars that you find in a lot of fruit
  • Artificial sweeteners – the #1 most acidic, poisonous ingredient on the planet
  • Gluten – found in bread, pasta, anything with flour, and most processed foods
  • Dairy – all cow’s milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.
  • Meat – animal proteins including beef, poultry, pork, and some seafood
  • Bad fats – like the ones found in vegetable oil, canola oil, margarine, and processed foods
  • Coffee
  • Mushrooms
  • Peanuts and peanut butter – avoid like the plague because of the aflatoxin, or cancer-causing fungus
  • Corn – and any products made with corn or corn oil, which is a lot of processed foods
  • Carbonated water – carbonic acid lowers the pH of drinking water
  • Alcohol (find out which types of alcohol are better than others)

You want to gradually reduce these foods in your diet in favor of alkaline foods. Keep reading for more on those… 

Step 2: Become a Fat-Burning Machine

If you’ve struggled to lose weight or experience the diet yo-yo effect, this information has the potential to change your life. There are many ways to lose weight, but with most methods, it’s just a matter of time before the body returns to where it was previously.

If you want to burn more body fat, you need to load up on more healthy fats. The more fat you want to burn, the more fat and fewer carbs you need to eat. Don’t be afraid—as you follow this diet, 50 to 75% of your calories may come from these healthy fats.

Yes, we’ve been taught (by the sugar industry) to think that all fat is our enemy, and it’s true that some types of fats should be avoided, but the body NEEDS healthy fats.

Fat, as fuel to give you energy, is like slow-burning coal. In the absence of carbohydrates, your body breaks down fat (dietary fat and/or stored body fat), and begins to generate a new powerful fuel source from the liver called ketone bodies, or ketones. Ketones are a very clean source of energy and the ideal source of fuel for your body and your brain.

Most people, including you up until now, get their energy from burning sugar. So guess what happens when you reduce the carb load and feed your body healthy fats instead?

Weight loss! And the side benefit is eating more fat will keep you satisfied so you won’t feel the need to snack between meals.

This is the entire basis of the success of the keto diet craze. But unlike regular keto, we’re going to do it with CLEAN fats that make your body feel good.

Clean keto fats to eat more of:

  • Avocados (God’s butter!)
  • Seeds – chia, and flax (but NOT their oils, which become easily oxidized)
  • Healthy Oils –Extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, MCT oil, black cumin seed oil, and macadamia nut oil
  • Wild-Caught Omega-3 Fish –Pacific or Spanish wild salmon, trout, anchovies, sardines, and mackerel
  • Raw Nuts –almonds (soaked and in moderation), macadamia nuts, brazil nuts (in moderation), hazelnuts, walnuts (soaked), and pecans (soaked), and my new favorite supernut called Barukas
  • Raw Nut butters(not peanut) – almond, cacao, coconut, and macadamia nut
  • Coconut Meat and shredded, unsweetened coconut flakes
  • Nut Milks– (without carrageenan or cane sugar) almond, coconut, and hazelnut


Step 3: In with the Good – Alkaline Foods

In order to ensure the body is balanced at a slightly alkaline pH of 7.4, you have to eat about 4 times more alkalizing foods than acidifying ones. I recommend making sure that your diet is 80% alkaline and no more than 20% acidic, or what I call the 80/20 alkaline lifestyle.

The good news about this way of eating is everything is on a spectrum. If you can’t quite get to an 80/20 split between alkaline and acidic foods at first, that’s okay. Set goals to steadily increase alkaline food so you get to 50/50 alkaline/acidic, then 60/40, and then 70/30.

If you make only one change, add more greens to your daily regimen. Greens are packed densely with essential nutrients and are highly alkalizing. In fact, if you look at many popular diets, as conflicting as they may all seem, the one constant is they all advocate eating more greens.

Alkaline foods to eat more of:

Step 4: 7 Ways to Get Off Your Acid

  • Dark, leafy greens like arugula, collard greens, leaf lettuce, kale, mustard greens, spinach, chard, and watercress
  • Sprouts
  • Lemons, limes, and grapefruit
  • Avocado
  • Tomatoes
  • Asparagus
  • Beets
  • Bell peppers
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Eggplants
  • Onion family: fennel, garlic, green onions, shallots, leeks, and of course onions
  • Herbs
  • Squash
  • Brassica family: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, radishes, rutabaga, and turnips
  • Herbs and spices
  • Sea vegetables like kelp and seaweed
  • Beans
  • Quinoa

So now that you know what to eat and what to avoid eating, it’s time to incorporate lifestyle tips as well. These 7 alkaline activities will boost your weight loss, give you more energy, and stave off illness:

  • Oxygenate – not just breathing, but powerful, deep breathing is the #1 way to alkalize and detoxify your body anytime, anywhere.
  • Alkaline Hydration – every day, drink half your body weight in ounces of filtered alkaline water, so if you weigh 120 pounds, drink 60 ounces. Supercharge your water with green powder, minerals, and/or molecular hydrogen.
  • Chlorophyll – eat and drink more of the dark, leafy greens listed above, plus all-powerful wheatgrass, and/or supplement with a greens powder like Alkamind Daily Greens.
  • Mineral Salts and Supplements – Eat plenty of healthy salts like Celtic Grey, Himalayan, or Redmond Real Salt and supplement with a good mineral mix like Alkamind Daily Minerals.
  • Lymphatic Drainage – This means moving around the lymph, or liquid of the body’s vital lymphatic system by exercising or dry brushing.
  • Daily Detox – there are lots of ways to detoxify regularly: detox teas, safe cleanses, detox baths, infrared sauna, and more. Keep reading for more on this…
  • Alkaline Exercise – low intensity workouts like rebounding, brisk walking, yoga, swimming, or tai chi are the most acid-reducing.

Step 5: Stress – The #1 Cause of Acid

Often when people think about an alkaline lifestyle, they are focused only on food and exercise. I am here to tell you that stress outweighs all of that a million to one.

You have to acknowledge that we are all subjected to low levels of constant chronic stress, and we are literally marinating in our own stress hormone called cortisol.

Any time you experience stress, your adrenal glands produce these stress hormones, which put your body into a state of “fight or flight,” and you become more acidic.

Find a stress reliever that works for you, whether it’s meditation, yoga, or walking, and make sure you get enough sleep, because lack of sleep is a top cause of stress.

So there you have it – the revolutionary way to get off your acid, reduce inflammation, lose weight, and feel better than you have in years. If you follow those 5 steps, you’ll be well on your way to slimming down, being more energetic day to day, getting stronger joints, muscles, and bones, and improving any and all digestive complaints.

Want one amazing program that incorporates all 5 steps, along with support to encourage and sustain your new lifestyle?

The 7-Day Alkaline Group Cleanse is starting soon!  This is the cleans that Kelly Ripa said “CHANGED MY LIFE!”.  And here’s the best part – you get to eat food on this cleanse!  In fact, Kelly said it was the most managable cleanse she eve did, and she ate more on the cleanse than she did in real life.

That’s because you are eating 100% alkalizing recipes that taste so good, you feel like you’re cheating. Follow the link below to GET OFF YOUR ACID, and get in youe best shape ever for the New Year, both physically, and mentally.

Returning cleansers can’t stop talking about it…


2nd Cleanse with Dr. D and the alkamind community

“This is my 2nd time doing the cleanse because the first time was so amazing! I really need to focus on keeping my inflammation down for my arthritis and also staying off of acidic foods due to my reflux/GERD issues.

It honestly has become life changing because I don't have to take PPI's for my acid reflux anymore and very little maintenance. As long as I follow the recipes and remind myself of the consequences of eating an acidic diet. And although I didn't get involved with this to lose weight, It naturally happened. I am extremely active and the thought of giving up my running, biking or swimming devastates me. There is really no sacrifice to me. It just all makes such important sense. Dr. Daryl is so supportive and passionate about helping people. He puts an incredible amount of time into this group and also as individuals. I cannot praise him enough . I love the cleanse.. it resets, gives me tons of energy and makes me feel like my life is full again. I originally started this because I was searching desperately for help. I had tried paleo and whole foods and had done other cleanses which only involved juice. there was no clear direction and no help with "after".. The recipes in this lifestyle are easy, DELICIOUS, and sustainable life long! And the group support is absolutely amazing.. it really makes a huge difference.” —Darlene G.


Life Changing

“This is my first cleanse and I was a little nervous to begin but it was not as difficult as I thought. It was very easy, I enjoyed the food and looked forward to the sweet healthy snack at night. I lost 4.5 pounds, did not wake up feeling foggy, felt energized. My hot flashes that were horrendous have subsided to the point that I can finally get a good night sleep. This is life changing, I recommend this to anyone who wants to take control of their health again.Thank You Dr Daryl” —Josephine D.


Sign up now to claim your spot in this incredible program that always fills up.  



Dr. Daryl

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