Aging is the most natural truth of life, and it’s a wonderful thing to get more years of exploring our beautiful world and discovering new ways to enjoy your life!
Yet, HOW you biologically age is something you have total control over. You seriously can stop the hands of time. Let me explain:
Chronological age refers to the actual number of trips around the sun, but biological age is the true measure of health, functionality, and beauty.
According to Harvard Health, biological age refers to epigenetic alteration and DNA methylation, which express your ability and functioning and whether you have diseases related to old age.
In other words: biological age is how old your body and mind function, look, and feel. It also refers to your body’s ability to naturally shield itself from age-related diseases such as dementia and diabetes.
Your DNA is not your destiny.

And if you want a long, healthy, and energetic life that is free of preventional diseases such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s that plague Americans unnecessarily, then join me on a journey to Ikaria, Greece.
This gorgeous island’s unofficial slogan is “The island where people forget to die” because it has the highest population of people living over 100 without health issues!
Seriously, dementia isn’t even in their dictionary because it does not exist.
The best part is that this island isn’t a mythical place in a fairytale movie.
These real islanders take intentional and strategic actions you can mimic no matter where you live!
Unlock Ikarian’s Longevity Secrets In Your Life
Get off your sugar. Does that phrase sound familiar?! 😉 It’s only the name of my book and my life’s work! Only 4% of their diet is sugar, hardly anything they eat is processed, and GMOs are even a concept they know. Their plates and hearts are full of fresh and local fruits, legumes, veggies, and fish!
Back in America, 60-90% of a standard diet is sugar and processed foods! Read those numbers again. Each bite you take is a micro-investment in your health bank, and Ikarian’s fill theirs with gold.
Stop sitting. Some of the poorest people on this island live the longest because they don’t sit in cars, couches, and office chairs all day long.
Excessive sitting, particularly without regular physical activity, can be as detrimental to health as smoking. Therefore, just get moving. Walk, garden, hike, chase your toddler around, opt for stairs instead of elevators…just make movement a mindless part of your life.
Get real about relaxation. Stress is the #1 cause of acid, and they understand this because relaxation is a priority across the island. People of all ages regularly nap and make time for leisurely things like playing cards with neighbors, going on long bike rides with friends, or creating art for fun with their family. For those of you who say you don’t have time to relax, I say, do you have time for dementia?
Another aspect of their relaxation is dedicated prayer, fasting, and reflection days that align with the Greek Orthodox calendar. While I am not suggesting you join any religion to experience longevity, I am showing that prayer, meditation, and reflection are all beautiful and helpful ways to release stress (the #1 cause of acid) and invite peace and calm into your world.
Eat (or drink) raw leafy greens. Ikarians get to feast on over 150 types of wild greens. Even more advantageous, since they are grown locally, free of GMOs, organically, and in nutrient-rich soil, they are 10x more nutritious than anything you could get in the US.
But still—no excuses if you want to experience health, energy, happiness, and longevity. All it means is that you must eat your greens—and supplement with potent options that give you the nutrition the island of Ikaria provides.
This is honestly the main reason I created Acid-Kicking Greens. One scoop gives you 21 nutrient-dense alkaline superfoods 100% raw and organically grown to strengthen your body from the inside out.
All of the above are just little things that are totally within your control. Make them part of your daily life and watch the big things happen—or really not happen… Not getting dementia, depression, heart disease, fatigue, autoimmune diseases, and other preventable health problems.