*This blog is for parents of all backgrounds. You need supernatural strength to be

a mom (or dad or parent), and Alkamind was created to give you exactly what you need to be the best version of yourself!
Right now, yes, right now—take a powerful clearing breath and clap for yourself! You just made it through summer and back-to-school chaos! That is no small feat. Celebrate yourself!
And if you do not have kids, this blog still applies to you. You still face mountains of challenges and must fuel your body to summit them.
You deserve and are designed to make it to the top—whatever that may look for you.
Just by making the effort to visit GetOffYourAcid.com and read this blog, you already took a big step: You decided to focus on your mind, body, and soul health with Alkamind Health Hacks!
But as Tony Robbins says: “Knowledge is not power. It’s only potential power. ACTION IS POWER.”
The simple “hacks” below will help you take the ACTIONS you need to take to be your best self! Daryl and Chelsea Gioffre approved!
Dr. Daryl’s Top Mom Hacks
STOP JUICING. Start Drinking Acid-Kicking Greens.
I’ll admit I haven’t juiced in years. I don’t have the time or energy to buy organic produce, chop it up, juice it, and then clean every little part of the juicer. NOPE. Also, going to a shop to buy a juice adds up fast in terms of your time and money.
Instead, just dump 1 scoop of Acid-Kicking Greens and drink up 21 nutrient-dense alkaline superfoods that amount to 5 servings of raw and organic greens. Please read this blog post on why it is my top hack for busy people.
You can even smuggle in Acid-Kicking Greens into your KIDS. Check out how this savvy mom of an extremely picky eater does it via this blog.
Focus On YOU.
You have a million things going on and little ones to raise—BUT you can’t focus on your family if you feel depleted. It may feel impossible to do right now, but it really is POSSIBLE. Take 20 minutes today to do something just for you. Go on a brisk walk, read a book (not about parenting), start building something, write a poem, call a friend, research a class…and sign up for it.
Do something that you used to LOVE to do before having kids. Open up that part of you again.
You want your kids to have a big, fulfilling adult life as parents, so role model that to them now. After a week or so of doing stuff for YOU, how you act around your family will be shocking.
Instead of mindlessly scrolling your phone around your kids or spouse, you will want to be fully engaged. That 100% full-attention mode with them will help you focus on all other aspects of life. Wherever you are—be there 100%. Even if it means you spend less time in one area, it will be more impactful because you gave it your all.
Blanket Your Body For Sleep.
A major and recent sleep study concluded that most women do not need MORE sleep; they need HIGH-QUALITY SLEEP. Women are also more likely to develop sleep disorders like insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and sleep apnea, which can also impact sleep quality. Additionally, women may have a larger misalignment between their central body clock and their sleep/wake cycle than men, which can lead to noticeable differences over time.
Since HIGH-QUALITY sleep is critical for a healthy gut, mind, body, and soul—it’s something that should be your top priority.
This is why I created Acid-Kicking Magnesium. The majority of Americans, especially women, are extremely low in magnesium, which means their bodies lack the minerals they need to alleviate stress, support quality sleep, and stay mentally sharp.
You are designed for OPTIMAL HEALTH—you just need to TAKE ACTION to ensure your body and mind have the nutrients to make it happen. It can be as simple as drinking a scoop of greens, taking a capsule before bed, and being present.