The Least Acidic Coffee Choices You Can Make



You know I’ve long said that coffee is HIGHLY ACIDIC and you should avoid it, right?

But for many of you, you just can’t start the day until you have your morning cup… or two… or five.

I get it. And that’s why when patients, including Kelly Ripa, tell me that they just can’t quit coffee, I say, “Okay, let’s do everything we can to diminish the damage all of that acid is causing your body.”

The acid in coffee is damaging to nearly every body part it comes into contact with from your teeth, which it strips of your natural enamel, to your digestive tract, which leads to heartburn and IBS symptoms, to your brain, causing migraines.

In fact, a recent research study revealed that 1 cup of coffee increases the inflammation in your body by 54%, and that’s in HEALTHY individuals!

If you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn, you already know what most people don’t about how coffee affects digestion. It exacerbates reflux symptoms, and yet, for so many reflux sufferers, they just can’t stop drinking their morning joe!

What’s worse, coffee actually DRAINS your energy, and leaves you wanting more, which is a vicious cycle that ensures you’re tired ALL THE TIME.

Don’t believe me? I get it, because initially coffee gives you a boost of energy, right?

What’s worse, coffee actually DRAINS you of the MINERALS you need to perform on a daily basis, both MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY!

And that matters because your body, skin, digestion, blood, bones, teeth, and brain all require minerals. The body doesn't run on fat, or even protein or carbs - the human body is electric, and runs on MINERALS.

The mineral magnesium alone – the most important mineral you need to prevent sugar cravings, focus issues, constipation, and muscle cramping – is responsible for 700 to 800 enzyme reactions throughout the body.

I recently interviewed Dr. Carolyn Dean, author of the Magnesium Miracle, and even she stated that EVERYONE, including our children, are massively DEPLETED of minerals, especially magnesium.

So if the acidity in coffee is so damaging throughout the body, what are you supposed to do if you are among the 84% of Americans who start their day with coffee?

I’ve got a lot of tips for you today to make your coffee LESS acidic and damaging to your health. We’ll talk about how to choose the best coffee beans (including low acid coffee), how to brew better coffee, and how to drink it to minimize acid.

Because the fact is, not all coffee is created equal!

In general, coffee is 1,000 times more acidic than tap water!  The pH scale runs from 0-14, where 0 is pure ACID, burning a hole through metal. 14 is on the other end, pure ALKALINE, and that’s not good either. Tap water, which has a pH of 7, is neutral. 

The scale is logarithmic, so going from 7 to 6 is not 1 time more acidic, but rather, 10 times!  Going from 7 to 5 is 100 times, etc. And the average pH of coffee is 5.0, and that includes organic, and that’s BEFORE acidic ingredients are added such as milk, cream, sugar, and butter.

But one cup of coffee to the next is going to have a different acidity that can range more than 1 full point on the pH scale. Hot brewed coffee can have a pH of 4.7-5.5, which is highly acidic, whereas cold brew registers at about 5.9-6.31, making them LESS acidic…a HUGE difference.

Let’s break down what causes that wide range, so that you can make better choices when it comes to coffee.

Buy Better Beans

First things first: always buy organic! Coffee is among the MOST heavily sprayed crops for pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides in the entire world. So buying organic means none of those nasty chemicals on your coffee.

Robusta beans, which are cheaper and used by a lot of the big companies, are MORE acidic, they have more caffeine, and they have a harsher taste. 

Arabica beans, on the other hand, are lower in acid, smoother and sweeter in taste, and lower in caffeine. That doesn’t mean that you’ll necessarily have to pay more for less acidic coffee – just look for beans marked as Arabica at your preferred price point. 

Countries of origin give you a clue into their acidity levels too. Brazilian, Colmbian, and Indonesian beans are grown up in the mountains and tend to be sweeter and less acidic. Beans from Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Guatemala are lighter, more acidic roasts, so avoid them.

The roasting process burns off acidity, so the darker the roast, the less acidic the coffee. French roast, Italian roast, and espresso beans are typically darker roasts, although for brands like Starbucks, those tend to be over-roasted so you might enjoy their medium roasts more.

Brew Better Joe 

How you prepare your coffee once you get the beans home matters too. The temperature and brewing process affect acid levels, and you can taste the difference in the final product.

Have you ever tasted cold brew and thought it was so much better than typical coffee? That’s the LACK OF ACID you’re tasting (or LESS acid). Cold brew reduces acid compared to other brewing methods the most.

Have you tried cold brewing at home yet? It’s actually really easy. Use a Mason jar or lidded pitcher and combine water with coarsely-ground beans to your preferred strength level. Let it sit in the fridge for 12 to 24 hours, and then strain the coffee through a filter or sieve. It’s that simple! And if you like to drink your coffee hot, you can add boiling water to your concentrated brew to heat it without the acid of hot brewed coffee.

If you don’t want to wait 12-24 hours for cold brew, using a French press or Chemex is the next best thing. 

Beyond the way you brew, the biggest difference you can make in the acidity level of your coffee after choosing the beans themselves is the other main ingredient – WATER. Coffee is 99% water, so the pH of your water helps determine the pH of your coffee.

And even more important than the pH of the water, is how CLEAN (or dirty) your water is!  You always want to use well-filtered water - never bottled or straight tap water.  The average glass of tap water has over 316 contaminants in it.  In fact, NYC testing even found PROZAC in tap water, and take one guess where that came from?  The urinary discharge of people taking the drug! 

So when making your coffee from home, clean water is most important.

How Do You Take Your Coffee? 

Finally, how you drink your coffee makes a difference in its effects on your health too. 

For example, even something as seemingly small as how long it takes to drink hot coffee affects the pH and taste. The longer coffee sits, the more acidic it becomes. So enjoy your sacred morning ritual, but also drink it right away to avoid unnecessary acid.

Unsurprisingly, what you add to your coffee changes the acidity, sugar consumption, and health effects quite a bit. If you take your coffee like dessert with lots of sugar and cream, you’re consuming a lot more acid than if you just drink it black.

For many people, its “I’d like some coffee with my SUGAR!”

In fact, a Starbucks grande chai latte – which too many people think of as a healthy treat – has DOUBLE the sugar of a full-size Snickers bar (42 grams vs. 20 grams).

Even if you simply add milk, cream, sugar, artificial sweeteners, or even butter to your coffee, it’s the same as dumping sugar on a donut – acid on top of acid – and then putting it into your body.

And don’t even get me started on artificial creamer products made with corn syrup solids and hydrogenated oils, which are inflammatory trans fats.

Even almond milk creamers are heavily processed!

It may not seem like adding a teaspoon of sugar or cream to your coffee every morning is doing much harm. But stop to consider this: one study from Simmons College in Boston, MA found that coffee drinks can gradually add up to 20 extra pounds per year! That’s in addition to blood sugar surges that throw off your insulin levels in your body, potentially creating insulin resistance and metabolism issues.

So what you put in your coffee matters. That’s why I created a revolutionary new way for people to enjoy coffee WITHOUT all of the acid of typical coffee additions – all while actually FIGHTING the acid in coffee itself!

In fact, you can continue drinking your favorite cup of coffee, with everything you currently are adding to your coffee! 

Acid-Kicking Coffee Creamer is a revolutionary  alkalizing superfood powder that turns creamy when you add it to your coffee, but it does so much more than that.

It delivers plant-based, clean keto fats, acid-fighting minerals, pure Himalayan pink mineral salts, and enzymes to optimize brain-boosting energy, suppress hunger, and burn body fat as it energizes.

Plus it tastes delicious! Try it today in Original or Vanilla creamers. Or Subscribe & Save 15%!

And hurry, because we have one day left of BUY ONE GET ONE FREE (continued Labor Day special!).  Offer ends tomorrow at midnight (Friday, September 6th at midnight), and you won’t ever see another special offer like this, so take advantage!

Use coupon code COFFEEALKALIZER on checkout to take advantage!


Dr. Daryl


Daryl Barrett Gioffre
Daryl Barrett Gioffre



Thanks for the tips.. are we saying that (in general terms) the less bitter a strong unsweetened expresso tastes, the less acidic it is?

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