Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving from the Alkamind family to yours!



While we hope you are enjoying a completely alkaline, anti-inflammatory, clean keto Thanksgiving feast later today, we know the reality is probably less than perfect. 

And that’s okay! Progress, not perfection! We don’t eat perfectly and we don’t expect you to do so either.

This is one of the days where it’s good to eat a little more indulgently than you normally do. The great thing about a healthy LIFESTYLE rather than diet is that you don’t have to feel guilty about breaking it. And it’s easier to course-correct when you are used to eating well almost all the time.

One reason it’s easier to get back to nutritious eating is that you feel better when you do so. You know the feeling of being overly full on Thanksgiving night – bloated, tired, and like you never want to eat too much again! That’s what we’re aiming to avoid.

So today, we’re going to talk about how to recover from a day of indulging so that you feel AWESOME tomorrow.

We’ll walk step by step through my best tips for recovering from too much feasting or festivities.

Step 1: Remember, It’s Not All or Nothing

The first step to an easy recovery is minimizing the damage you are recovering from. So today, aim to minimize the acid where and when you can. You don’t have to choose between an all-out, all-acidic carb-fest and a perfectly alkaline and clean feast.

[Read: How to Have an Anti-Inflammatory Thanksgiving]

Here are my favorite alkaline Thanksgiving recipes to add to your table:

Even swapping just one traditional, acidic recipe with an alkaline recipe will take away from that overly full, bloated feeling.

Step 2: Get a Good Night’s Rest

Don’t forget: Tonight, 30 minutes before bed, take a scoop of Acid-Kicking Minerals in water. This is the key to stopping indigestion, acid reflux, and acid in general that might otherwise keep you from sleeping.

Can’t live without it!

“I have been taking the Daily Greens and the Daily Minerals for 6 months and I can honestly say I feel better; more energy, less bloating and sluggishness, and I am sleeping deeper and longer than I ever have in the past. This month I added in the Daily Omega-3 Oil and now I feel even better. Great quality, good results, and great taste!” –Micaela W. (Verified Buyer) 

By ending your day with Acid-Kicking Minerals every night, you’re ensuring that you get enough minerals from quality sources, unlike most other supplements. Together, they will fight acid while you sleep!

Step 3: Start Your Morning Off Right

After a good night’s rest, wake up and drink at least 8 ounces of water with a scoop of Alkamind Daily Greens to get 5 whole servings of raw super foods in less than 30 seconds. Getting your greens will energize you so you can power through your day.

Next, do some aerobic activity. Hop on the rebounder, take a walk or go on a run, or whatever exercise you enjoy. Get your body moving to shake off what’s left of the acid you consumed.

After a workout, fuel your morning with an alkaline breakfast treat that keeps the Thanksgiving festivities going without the acid. Here are a few of my seasonal favorites:

Last but not least, if you’re a coffee drinker, be sure to turn your acidic coffee into an alkaline treat!  Adding Acid-Kicking Coffee Alkalizer to your coffee delivers plant-based, clean keto fats, acid-fighting minerals, pure Himalayan pink mineral salts, and enzymes to optimize brain-boosting energy, suppress hunger, and burn body fat throughout your day.

Step 4: Continue Drinking Alkaline Water 

I cannot stress hydration enough. This tip could not be simpler, and yet, many people go to elaborate steps to detox while failing to utilize one of the most effective (and easy) methods there is.

Think about it… What’s the one thing that carries food through the digestive system, expels toxins through your skin as you sweat, and makes up most of your blood? Water of course. So it should come as no surprise that water is one of the best health tools there is.

Aim to drink 3 to 4 liters of filtered water today and everyday, and you can make it more alkaline by adding a fresh lemon or lime slice, or supercharge it with an additional scoop of Alkamind Daily Greens if you’re still feeling sluggish. 

You can also enjoy a mid-morning cup of Detox Tea. Detox tea contains ginger, turmeric, lemon, a pinch of black pepper, and if you want, a pinch of cayenne pepper.

These are all powerful detoxifiers and together, they have super powers. It will hydrate you as it detoxifies.

Step 5: Eat a Detoxifying Lunch and Dinner

Helping your body recover and reboot can be delicious.

There’s a specific antioxidant that aids the liver in detoxing the blood called glutathione. I recommend you eat as much of these powerful glutathione-rich foods as possible:

  • Cilantro (also high in another liver cleanser called linalool)
  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Apples

Meanwhile, these foods ensure glutathione is put to proper use:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Cabbage
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Onions
  • Garlic

Another antioxidant called selenium supports the thyroid and aids the liver in detoxifying. You’ll find it in:

  • Brazil nuts
  • Spinach 

If you put these 5 steps together, you’re going to get back to feeling awesome – abundant energy, no more bloating, and an end to any digestive upset.

Plus, you’ll be set up to continue eating well and maintaining your healthy lifestyle in the days and weeks of this holiday season. What better gift could you give yourself than that?!



Dr. Daryl

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